Latest reviews

I burnin all my disks as a matter of course using this script, and I can confirm that it seems to work on SCALE 23.10.2
Very helpful explanation. Works in SCALE as well, I did it via root ssh.

I am a bit confused on the purpose of setting the maximum thresholds? Is there any reason to modify this? To let IPMI know how fast a fan can really go? Just trying to understand in the context of the terminology. Let's say my maximum RPM for my fan is 2200rpm. What should my numbers look like? Just a bit confused by the terminology of Non-Critical vs Critical vs Non-Recoverable with respect to an "upper" number. Would Upper Non-critical be the maximum rated RPM of my fan and then non-critical and non-recoverable higher numbers? I just see these numbers are reported with IPMITool show all three upper numbers for my fan to be beyond what is rated for maximum rpm.

Or does it not really matter and it'll just spin the fan as fast as possible when needed as long as all those values are above the maximum rated RPM?

One additional comment. I assume these changes will stick regardless of reboot or complete shutdown of the system? Even if BMC loses power?
I cannot believe I was running TN for a year without that tool - absolute gold!