TrueNAS Apps: Tutorials
Application maintenance is independent from TrueNAS version release cycles.
App versions, features, options, and installation behavior at time of access might vary from documented tutorials and UI reference.
Diskover Data
18 minute read.
Diskover Data Community edition is an open-source file indexer with a file search engine and a data management and analytics component powered by Elasticsearch. Diskover Data is a web-based platform that provides single-pane viewing (a dashboard) of distributed digital assets or repositories file systems spread across cloud and on-premise storage across an organization. It has three main components: Elasticsearch, Diskover web interface, and Diskover Data indexers. Elasicsearch is the backbone of Diskover indexing and search functionality. It organizes the metadata created during indexing and allows for fast and efficient querying of large datasets. Diskover Data web interface allows users to interact with Diskover and to search, filter, and visualize data indexed by Elasticsearch. The Diskover indexers are the task workers, scanners, and crawlers responsible for scanning file systems and collecting metadata to feed information into Elasticsearch for storage and later retrieval.
Diskover Data helps administrators and users identify old and unused files and have better insights into data changes, file duplication, and wasted space. It supports crawling local file systems, NFS and SMB, cloud storage, and plugins that add metadata functions and greater search capabilities.
This TrueNAS Diskover Data communitity edition app provides effective search and file organization functions. System administrators can manage storage infrastructure, monitor storage and usage reports, use the information to provision storage, and make effective decisions about new infrastructure purchases. The app provides storage for Diskover Data and the Elasticsearch component. Read Diskover Data documentation to become familiar with the functions and configuration options in the Diskover Data web interface.
Before you install the Diskover Data app:
- Read the Diskover Support documentation For information on environment variables, see Alternate Configuration Invocation Via Command Line. Also, read Diskover documentation on tags if you plan to add labels through the Install Diskover Data wizard.
Set a pool for applications to use if not already assigned.
You can use either an existing pool or create a new one. TrueNAS creates the ix-apps (hidden) dataset in the pool set as the application pool. This dataset is internally managed, so you cannot use this as the parent when you create required application datasets.
After setting the pool, the Installed Applications screen displays Apps Service Running on the top screen banner.
Locate the run-as user for the app.
Take note of the run-as user for the app, shown on the app information screen in the Run As Context widget and in the Application Metadata widget on the Installed applications screen after the app fully deploys. The run-as user(s) get added to the ACL permissions for each dataset used as a host path storage volume.
(Optional) Create a new TrueNAS user account to manage this application. When creating a new user account to manage this application or using an existing TrueNAS administrator account, enable sudo permissions for that TrueNAS user account, select Create New Primary Group, and add the appropriate group in the Auxiliary Group for the type of user you want to create. Make note of the UID for the new user to add in the installation wizard.
Add the user ID to the dataset ACL permissions when setting up app storage volumes in the Install app wizard.
Create datasets for the storage volumes for the app.
Do not create encrypted datasets for apps if not required! Using an encrypted dataset can result in undesired behaviors after upgrading TrueNAS when pools and datasets are locked. When datasets for the containers are locked, the container does not mount, and the apps do not start. To resolve issues, unlock the dataset(s) by entering the passphrase/key to allow datasets to mount and apps to start.Go to Datasets and select the pool or dataset where you want to place the dataset(s) for the app. For example, /tank/apps/appName.
(Optional) Create a new TrueNAS user account to manage this application. When creating a new user account to manage this application or using an existing TrueNAS administrator account, enable sudo permissions for that TrueNAS user account, select Create New Primary Group, and add the appropriate group in the Auxiliary Group for the type of user you want to create. Make note of the UID for the new user to add in the installation wizard.
Add the user ID to the dataset ACL permissions when setting up app storage volumes in the Install app wizard.
This basic procedure covers the required Diskover Data app settings. For optional settings, see Understanding App Installation Wizard Settings.
You can have multiple deployments of the same app (for example, two or more from the stable or enterprise trains, or a combination of the stable and enterprise trains).
Go to Apps, click on Discover Apps, and locate the app widget by either scrolling down to it or begin typing the name into the search field. For example, to locate the MinIO app widget, begin typing minIO into the search field to show app widgets matching the search input.
If this is the first application installed, TrueNAS displays a dialog about configuring apps.
If not the first time installing apps the dialog does not show, click on the widget to open the app information screen.
Click Install to open the app installation wizard.
Application configuration settings are grouped into several sections, each explained below in Understanding App Installation Wizard Settings. To find specific fields begin typing in the Search Input Fields search field to show the section or field, scroll down to a particular section, or click on the section heading in the list of sections on the upper-right of the wizard screen.
Accept the default value or enter a name in Application Name field. In most cases use the default name, but if adding a second deployment of the application you must change this name.
Accept the default version number in Version. When a new version becomes available, the application shows an update badge and the Application Info widget on the Installed applications screen shows the Update button.
Enter the Diskover Data Configuration settings.
The TrueNAS app is configured with all the environment variables required to deploy the app. If you want to customize the container, click Add to the right of Additional Environment Variables for each to enter the variable(s) and values(s).
Accept the default values in User and Group Configuration and Network Configurations. (Optional) If you created a new user to administer the app, enter that user ID in the user and group fields. See User and Group Configuration and Network Configuration for more details. Leave Host Network unselected.
Add your Storage Configuration settings.
For Diskover Data Configuration Storage, set the Type to Host Path (Path that already exists on the system). Select Enable ACL, then enter or browse to and select the config dataset to populate the Host Path field.
Click Add to the right of ACL Entries for each user or group entry you want to add. For Diskover Data, click twice to add the 568 and 0 user IDs. For the Elasticsearch storage volume, add 568 and 1000. Give each FULL_CONTROL Access.
Select Force Flag.
Repeat the steps above for each storage volume, data for Diskover Data data storage, and data for the Elasitcsearch component data storage. See Storage Configuration Settings below for more information.
Accept the defaults in Resources Configuration, and select the GPU option if applicable.
Click Install. A progress dialog displays before switching to the Installed applications screen. The Installed screen displays with the Diskover Data app in the Deploying state. Status changes to Running when ready to use.
{{< trueimage src="/images/SCALE/Apps/DiskoverAppRunning.png" alt=“Diskover Data App Installed and Running” id=“Diskover Data App Installed and Running” >}}
Log in with your Diskover account credentials.
The following section provides more detailed explanations of the settings in each section of the Install Diskover Data installation wizard.
Accept the default value or enter a name in Application Name field. In most cases use the default name, but if adding a second deployment of the application you must change this name.
Accept the default version number in Version. When a new version becomes available, the application shows an update badge and the Application Info widget on the Installed applications screen shows the Update button.
Select the timezone where your TrueNAS system is located. Begin typing the location into the Timezone field to filter the list until the location shows, then select it.
The TrueNAS Diskover Data app is pre-configured with all environment variables required to deploy the application.
Diskover provides a list of environment variables you can add through their CLI to customize paths or tasks performed at runtime. For more information on these variables, see Alternate Configuration Invocation Via Command Line.
Some TrueNAS apps have predefined run-as user and group IDs. These assignments vary based on the app train and other variables such as installing but not running as the root user.
Default user and group IDs are:
- 473 for the MinIO stable train app.
- 568 (apps user), used in some community apps and all apps in the enterprise train
- 999 (netdata user), used for all postgres storage volumes
- 0 (root user).
Accept the default user and group ID in the User and Group Configuration section or enter the user ID for a new TrueNAS user created to serve as the administrator for this app.
Create any app administrator user before installing the application, and take note of the UID. Enter this user ID when configuring the user for the app and as the user when setting up storage volume permissions.
The default web port for the TrueNAS Diskover Data app is 30027.
All TrueNAS apps are assigned default port numbers. Accept the default port numbers, but if changing port number assignments, enter a number within the range 1-65535, however, 0-1024 might require the application to have elevated privileges. Before changing default ports, refer to the TrueNAS default port list for a list of assigned and available port numbers.
We do not recommend selecting Host Network unless required for the specific application or workload. When required or strongly recommended for an application, TrueNAS typically enables host networking by default.
When host networking is disabled, specific ports from the container are exposed on the local network and mapped to a host port. This is the default Docker networking behavior. This approach provides better isolation, flexibility in port assignments, and improved security compared to enabling host networking.
Select Host Network to bypass port mapping, granting the container direct access network interfaces on the host. This can improve performance, especially in deployments with many users, and simplify network configuration, but compromises isolation and introduces the risk of port conflicts, limiting the ability to run multiple instances of the same app. For most deployments, default port mapping is more secure and versatile.
The app does not require configuring advanced DNS options. Accept the default settings or click Add to the right of DNS Options to enter the option name and value.
TrueNAS provides two options for storage volumes: ixVolumes and host paths. Diskover Data only expects one host path storage volume, config to hold app configuration data, data for data storage, and a second data dataset for Elasticsearch data.
If you organize the config dataset under a parent dataset named diskoverdata, configure the ACL permissions for this parent dataset and add an ACE entry for the root user and the Elasticsearch root 1000.
You can add extra storage volumes during the app installation or edit the application after it deploys. Stop the app before editing settings.
You can configure ACL permissions for a dataset through the Install Diskover Data wizard or from the Datasets screen after adding the datasets.
Select Enable ACL to show the ACL and ACE Entries options. Configure ACE entries for each UID and/or GID you recorded from the Run As Context widget in Before You Begin.
Select Force Flag to apply the ACL even if the path has existing data. This allows you to update the app when an update is available.
TrueNAS Additional Storage options include the ability to mount an SMB share inside the container pod.
If adding an SMB share as an additional storage volume, create the SMB dataset and share user(s), and add the user ID for the share user(s) to the dataset ACL.
Set Type an SMB/CIFS Share (Mounts a volume to a SMB share) to add an SMB share storage volume.
Select Read Only to make the storage volume read only.
Enter the path inside the container to mount the storage for the share volume in Mount Path.
Enter the server address for the SMB share in Server, the path to mount the SMB share in Path, and the share authentication user credentials in User and Password. (Optional) enter the share domain name in domain.
Permissions are currently limited to the permissions of the user that mounted the share.
Use the SMB option for data synchronization between a share and the app if the option shows on the screen. A present, only the Syncthing app includes this option.
The Labels Configuration settings allow users to configure Docker object labels to add metadata to containers. Docker object labels attach key-value metadata to various Docker objects, such as containers, images, volumes, and networks. Labels are useful for organization, automation, and providing additional context for Docker resources. They can store information such as environment details, ownership, service role, or custom tags for automation tools.
Click Add to display a set of label configuration fields.
Use Key to define the identifier that categorizes and filters resources, for example com.example.owner. Use Value to enter the associated data for the container, for example team-a.
Select the target container from the Containers dropdown list to apply the label(s). Apps with multiple containers list each container as an option on the dropdown.
Click Add again to configure additional labels.
Tips for Labels:
- Docker recommends using reverse-DNS notation to prevent conflicts with other objects.
- Use a consistent naming convention for labels applied across all containers, for example, com.example.owner=team-a, com.example.owner=team-b, com.example.env=production, com.example.env=testing.
- Use in groupings, for example, when applying configuration changes where labels define or group related database resources (com.example.role=db).
- Use reverse-DNS notation to prevent conflicts with other objects, as recommended by Docker.
- Use a consistent naming convention for labels applied across all containers, for example, com.example.owner=team-a, com.example.owner=team-b, com.example.env=production, com.example.env=testing.
- Use in groupings, for example, when applying configuration changes where labels define or group related database resources (com.example.role=db).
- Combine labels for more granular control, for example, using com.example.env=prod and com.example.tier=frontend to distinguish frontend from backend services in production environments.
Accept the default values in Resources Configuration or enter new CPU and memory values. By default, this application is limited to use no more than 2 CPU cores and 4096 megabytes available memory. The application might use considerably less system resources.
To customize the CPU and memory allocated to the container the app uses, enter new CPU values as a plain integer value (letter suffix is not required). The default is 4096.
Accept the default value (4 Gb) allocated memory or enter a new limit in bytes. Enter a plain integer without the measurement suffix, for example, 129 not 129M or 123MiB.
GPU Configuration provides the option to enable GPU passthrough. Select Passthrough available (non-NVIDIA) GPUs or, if your system has an NVIDIA GPU device, select Use this GPU.
For more information on GPU passthrough, see TrueNAS Apps.