TrueCommandTrueCommand Nightly Development Documentation
This content follows experimental early release software. Pre-release software is intended for testing purposes only.
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Interface Overview

Top Toolbar

Figure 1: Top Bar

The top toolbar switches between the various TrueCommand feature screens and has other quick links and dropdown menus for other configuration screens.

HomeOpens the primary TrueCommand Dashboard with live stats and options for connected TrueNAS systems.
Fleet DashThe expanded Fleet Dashboard collects metrics, notifications, and configuration details for every connected TrueNAS system.
ReportsThe Reports page for viewing and creating custom visualizations of connected TrueNAS system statistics.
ReplicationThe Replication shows created replication tasks between connected TrueNAS systems and allows creating new ZFS snapshot automated replication schedules.
iXsystemsLogoOpens a new browser tab to the iXsystems website
The Settings menu dropdown has options for each configuration or monitoring screen in TrueCommand. Visible options vary based on the logged in user account.
User avatarOpens the user account menu dropdown.

Settings Menu

The settings dropdown menu provides links to more TrueCommand monitoring and configuration screens.

The Settings menu has these options:

DashboardOpens the primary TrueCommand Dashboard.
System InventoryThe System Inventory screen has expanded license and serial number details about TrueNAS systems that are connected to TrueCommand.
ReportsOpens the Reports screen.
All AlertsThe All Alerts screen shows every TrueNAS system notification that TrueCommand has collected or generated.
Alert RulesThe Alert Rules screen has options for viewing and creating new monitoring routines that create TrueCommand notifications when specific paramaters are met.
Alert ServicesOpens the Alert Services screen configures plugins for sending TrueCommand notifications to a 3rd party service. This is only available for containerized TrueCommand deployments.
ReplicationOpens the Replication page.

These options appear when the logged in user account is a TrueCommand administrator:

SystemsOpens the Systems screen for viewing and managing TrueNAS connections to TrueCommand.
UsersOpens the Users screen for managing TrueCommand user accounts.
TeamsOpens the Teams screen for grouping TrueCommand user accounts into teams with tunable permissions.
LogsOpens the Logs screen for viewing all recorded user account activity within TrueCommand.
AdministrationOpens the Administration screen for configuring the deployed TrueCommand instance.
APIOpens the API Interface screen for testing API calls and viewing TrueCommand API documentation.

User Avatar Menu

The user avatar provides access to the logged-in user profile, API Interface, user license (EULA), and the log out option.

ProfileOpens the Profile screen for the logged-in user.
DocumentationOpens a new browser tab to
EULAOpens the TrueCommand EULA window.
Log OutLogs the user out of TrueCommand.