TrueCommand Documentation Archive
This content follows TrueCommand 2.3 releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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1 minute read.
Last Modified 2023-09-01 13:04 EDTThe Administration page, available to users with administrator permissions, displays additional system details and offers a variety of TrueCommand configuration options.
- SAML Tutorials: Provides SAML tutorials for TrueCommand SAML configurations.
- Configuring TrueCommand SAML Service for Active Directory: Provides detailed instructions on setting up SAML service in TrueCommand and Active Directory.
- Configuring TrueCommand SAML Service for Google Admin: Provides detailed instructions on setting up SAML service in TrueCommand and Google Admin.
- Configuring IDP SAML as SSO for TrueCommand SAML Service: Provides information on setting up an identity provider (IDP) SAML provider as SSO for TrueCommand SAML service.
- LDAP Servers: Describes how to configure LDAP servers for TrueCommand.