TrueNAS Apps: UI ReferenceTrueNAS Apps: UI Reference
Application maintenance is independent from TrueNAS version release cycles.
App versions, features, options, and installation behavior at time of access might vary from documented tutorials and UI reference.


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There are two main application screens, Installed and Discover. The Installed applications screen shows status of installed apps, provides access to pod shell and logs screens and a web portal for the app (if available), and the ability to edit deployed app settings.

The Discover screen show widgets for the installed catalog of apps. The individual app widgets open app information screens with details about that application, and access to an installation wizard for the app.

Installed Screen

The first time you go to Apps, the Installed applications screen header shows an Apps Service Not Configured status and dialog opens prompting you to choose the pool for apps to use. You must choose the pool apps use before you can install applications. See Choose A Pool for Apps for more information.

Apps Service Not Configured
Figure 1: Apps Service Not Configured

After setting the pool, Apps Service Running shows on the screen header.

The Installed applications screen displays Check Available Apps before you install the first application.

Installed Applications Screen No Apps
Figure 2: Installed Applications Screen No Apps

Check Available Apps or Discover Apps opens the Discover screen.

Settings Menu

Settings on the Installed applications header displays global options that apply to all applications.

  • Choose Pool opens the Choose a pool for Apps dialog.
  • Unset Pool shows after setting a pool for applications to use. It opens the Unset Pool dialog.
  • Manage Container Images opens the Manage Container Images screen.
  • Train Settings opens the Train Settings screen. Use to add or remove other trains to the Stable catalog of applications.
Installed Applications Screen Settings
Figure 3: Installed Applications Screen Settings

Choose a Pool for Apps

Choose Pool opens the Choose a pool for apps dialog. The Pool dropdown list shows a list of available pools on the system. Choose sets the selected pool for use by applications.

Apps Choose a Pool for Apps
Figure 4: Apps Choose a Pool for Apps

The first time you open the Installed applications screen a dialog prompts you to choose the pool for apps to use for storage. Select the pool from the dropdown list, then click Save. This starts the applications service. If you exit out of this dialog, to set the pool, click Settings > Choose Pool to select a storage pool for apps.

Unset Pool

Unset Pool on the Settings menu opens the Unset Pool dialog. Click Unset to unset the pool and turn off the application service. When complete, a Success dialog displays.

Apps Unset Pool
Figure 5: Apps Unset Pool

Manage Container Images

The Manage Container Images screen lists all container images currently downloaded on TrueNAS.

Apps Manage Container Images
Figure 6: Apps Manage Container Images

Entering characters in the Search field on the screen header filters the images list to only the Image ID or Tags entries matching the entered characters.

Pull Image

Pull Image opens a side panel with options to download specific images to TrueNAS.

Pull a Container Image
Figure 7: Pull a Container Image
Image NameEnter the full path and name for the specific image to download. Use the format registry/repository/image.
Image TagEnter the specific image tag string to download that specific version of the image. The default latest pulls whichever image version is most recent.
Docker Registry AuthenticationOptional. Only needed for private images.
UsernameUser account name to access a private Docker image.
PasswordUser account password to access a private Docker image.

Train Settings

Train Settings opens the Train Settings screen.

Train Settings Add Enterprise Train
Figure 8: Train Settings Add Enterprise Train

Select the checkbox to the left of the train name to add another train to the applications catalog. Train options:

  • stable the default train for official apps
  • enterprise for apps verified and simplified for Enterprise users, default for enterprise-licensed systems.
  • community for community proposed and maintained apps You must specify at least one train.

Applications Table

The Applications table on the Installed screen populates a row for each installed app that shows the current state, and the option to stop the app. Stopped apps show the option to start the app.

After installing an application, the Installed screen populates the Applications table. When returning to the Installed screen, the first application on the list is selected by default. Each application row shows the name, status, and update information for the application.

Installed Applications Status
Figure 9: Installed Applications Status

A yellow badge shows when an update is available. See Update Apps for more information on updating the application.

Search above the Applications table allows entering the name of an app to locate an installed application.

Selecting the checkbox to the left of Applications selects all installed apps and shows the Bulk Actions dropdown list. Selecting the checkbox on an app row also shows the Bulk Actions) dropdown list.

Bulk Actions

The Bulk Action dropdown list allows you to apply actions to one or more applications installed and running on your system. Select the checkbox to the left of Applications to show the Bulk Actions dropdown menu. Menu options are Start All Selected, Stop All Selected, Upgrade All Selected, and Delete All Selected.

Installed Applications Bulk Actions
Figure 10: Installed Applications Bulk Actions

Application Widgets

Installed application have a set of widgets on the Installed screen. Select an application row to view the information widgets for that application. Information in the widgets change based on the app row selected in the Applications table.

Application Info Widget

The Application Info widget shows the name, version number, date last updated, source link for the application, developer, catalog, and train name. It includes the Edit, Delete, and Web Portal buttons for the application. If an update is available, it also shows the Update button.

Installed Application Info Widget
Figure 11: Installed Application Info Widget

Web Portal opens the application login or sign-up web page.

Delete opens the Delete dialog. Deletes the application deployment but does not remove it from the catalog or train in TrueNAS SCALE.

Edit opens an Edit Application configuration screen populated with editable settings also found on the install wizard screen for the application.

Update opens a window for the application showing the current version and the new version the upgrade installs.

Delete Apps

The Delete dialog asks for confirmation to delete the selected application.

Delete Application Dialog
Figure 12: Delete Application Dialog

Confirm activates the Continue button. Continue initiates the delete operation.

Update Apps

Update shows on the Application Info widget after clicking Update All on the Installed applications header. Both only show if TrueNAS SCALE detects an available update for an application. The application widget on the Discover screen also displays an update badge.

Update opens an upgrade window for the application that includes the Images (to be updated) and Changelog options. Click on the down arrow to see the options available for each.

Update Application Window
Figure 13: Update Application Window

Upgrade begins the process and opens a counter dialog that shows the upgrade progress. When complete, the update badge and buttons disappear. The Update state on the application row on the Installed screen changes to Up to date.

Workloads Widget

The Workloads widget shows the container information for the selected application. Information includes the number of pods, used ports, number of deployments, stateful sets, and container information. It also shows the Shell, Volume Mounts and View Log icon buttons that provide access to the container pod shell and log screens and mount point windows. These options do not show for stopped apps.

Installed Apps Containers Widget
Figure 14: Installed Apps Containers Widget

The Shell Shell button opens the Choose Shell Details window. After selecting the container options, a shell screen for the pod opens.

The Volume Mounts folder_open button opens the Volume Mounts dialog.

The View Logs Logs button also opens the Pod Logs screen for the app.

Choose Shell Details

The Choose Shell Details dialog allows you to enter a shell command to open the Pod Shell screen. You can accept the default value in Command or specify another.

Choose Shell Details
Figure 15: Choose Shell Details

Choose opens the Applications > Pod Shell screen.

Apps Pod Shell Screen
Figure 16: Apps Pod Shell Screen

Click Installed on the breadcrumb to return to the Installed applications screen.

Volume Mounts

Volume Mounts opens a dialog showing information on the app volume mounts for current and exited volume mounts for the application container. The app has Volume Mount options to open windows for both the running mount point and permissions - exited mount point.

MinIO Volume Mounts
Figure 17: MinIO Volume Mounts

Pod Log

Each Pod Log screen includes a banner with the Application Name, Pod Name and Container Name.

WebDAV Pod Logs Screen
Figure 18: WebDAV Pod Logs Screen

Use the logs to help troubleshoot problems with your container pods.

Notes Widget

The Notes widget shows information about the apps, location where TrueNAS Documentation Hub articles are found, and links to file bug reports through Jira or GitHub, and where to make feature requests.

Apps Notes Widget
Figure 19: Apps Notes Widget

Click View More to show all notes, and Collapse to return the Notes widget to the default view length.

Application Metadata Widget

The Application Metadata widget shows application capabilities unique to the application, and Run As Content showing the user and group IDs, the default user and group name, and brief description for the application. View More expands the widget to show more information on application settings. Collapse hides the extra information.

Application Metadata Widget
Figure 20: Application Metadata Widget

Discover Apps Screen

The Discover screen displays application widgets for the official TrueNAS stable train by default. Users can add the community and enterprise train applications on the Train Settings screen.

Applications Discover Screen
Figure 21: Applications Discover Screen

Discover Screen Header

The breadcrumbs at the top of the screen header show links to the previous or the main applications screen. Click a link to open that screen.

Apps Discover Screen Header and Search
Figure 22: Discover Screen Header and Search

The Discover screen includes a search field, links to other application management screens, and filters to sort the application widgets displayed. Show All shows all application widgets in the trains added to the Stable catalog. The links are:

  • Refresh Charts that executes a job to refresh the catalog applications.
  • Manage Installed Apps that opens Installed applications screen.

Filters shows a list of sort categories that alter which application widgets show. Click on a category to select and filter app widgets. Filter information includes the Category, App Name, and Updated Date.

  • Category sorts the app widgets by category or functional area. For example, Media, Monitoring, Networking, Productivity. etc.
  • App Name sorts app widgets alphabetically (A to Z).
  • Updated Date sorts the app widgets by date of update.

Application Information Screens

Each application widget on the Discover screen opens a information screen with details about that application, a few screenshot of web UI for the application, and the Install button. Application information shows the version, GitHub repository link for the image, and date the image was last updated.

Application Information Screen Example
Figure 23: Application Information Screen Example

The application information screen shows two widgets:

  • Available Resources that shows CPU and memory usage the app requires, the app pool, and available space in gigabits.
  • Application Info that includes the application version number, link to GitHub repository for the image, and date the image was last application updated.

The screen includes small screenshots of the application website that when clicked open larger versions of the image.

Install opens the installation wizard for the application.

The bottom of the screen includes widgets for similar applications found in the catalog.

Application Install or Edit App Wizards

The application Install Application wizard and Edit Application screens show the same settings. The Edit Application screen opens populated with the current settings for the application. Settings greyed out are cannot be edited.

The install and edit wizard screens include a navigation panel on the right of the screen that lists and links to the setting sections. A red triangle with an exclamation point marks the sections with the required settings. An asterisk marks the required fields in a section. You can enter a new setting in fields that include a preprogrammed default.

App Installation Wizard ToC
Figure 24: App Installation Wizard ToC

The installation wizard configuration sections vary by application, with some including more configuration areas than others. Click Install to review settings ahead of time to check for required settings. Click Discover on the breadcrumb at the top of the installation wizard to exiting the screen without saving and until you are ready return and configure the app settings.

All applications include these basic setting sections:

  • Application Name shows the default name for the application.

    If deploying more than one instance of the application, you must change the default name. Also includes the version number for the application. Do not change the version number for official apps or those included in a SCALE catalog. When a new version becomes available, the Installed application screen banner and application row displays an update alert, and the Application Info widget displays an update button> Updating the app changes the version shown on the edit wizard for the application.

  • Application Configuration shows settings that app requires to deploy. This section can be named anything. For example, the MinIO app uses MinIO Configuration.

    Typical settings include user credentials, environment variables, additional argument settings, name of the node, or even sizing parameters.

    If not using the default user and group provided, add the new user (and group) to manage the application before using the installation wizard.

  • Network Configuration shows network settings the app needs to communicate with SCALE and the Internet. Settings include the default port assignment, host name, IP addresses, and other network settings.

    If changing the port number to something other than the default setting, refer to Default Ports for a list of used and available port numbers.

    Some network configuration settings include the option to add a certificate. Create the certificate authority and certificate before using the installation wizard if using a certificate is required for the application.

  • Storage Configuration shows options to configure storage for the application. Storage options include using the default ixVolume setting that adds a storage volume under the ix-applications dataset, host path where you select existing dataset(s) to use, or in some cases the SMB share option where you configure a share for the application to use. The Add button allows you to configure additional storage volumes for the application to use in addition to the main storage volume (dataset).

    If the application requires specific datasets, configure these before using the installation wizard.

    Browsing to select a path

    Click the arrow to the left of the folder icon to expand that folder and show any child datasets and directories. A solid folder icon shows for datasets and an outlined folder for directories. A selected dataset or directory folder and name shows in blue.

  • Resources Configuration shows CPU and memory settings for the container pod. This section can also be named Resource Limits. In most cases, you can accept the default settings, or you can change these settings to limit the system resources available to the application.

After installing an app, you can modify most settings by selecting the app on the Installed applications screen and then clicking the Edit button on the Application Info widget for that app.
