TrueNAS Nightly Development Documentation
This content follows experimental nightly development software. Pre-release software is intended for testing purposes only.
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1 minute read.
There is a special consideration when installing TrueNAS in a Virtual Machine (VM), as S.M.A.R.T services monitor actual physical devices, which are abstracted in a VM. After the installation of TrueNAS completes on the VM, go to System > Services > and click the blue toggle button on the S.M.A.R.T. service to stop the service from running. Clear the Start Automatically checkbox so the service does not automatically start when the system reboots.
Note that the table(s) below can be reorganized by clicking on the column titles. This allows you to reorganize the information in each column by togglnig between a descending and ascending order.
Use the Services > S.M.A.R.T. screen to configure when S.M.A.R.T. tests run and when to trigger alert warnings and send emails.
Click the edit Configure icon to open the screen.
Enter the time in minutes smartd to wake up and check if any tests are configured to run in Check Interval.
Select the Power Mode from the dropdown list. Choices include Never, Sleep, Standby, and Idle. TrueNAS only performs tests when you select Never.
Set the temperatures that trigger alerts in Difference, Informational and Critical.
Click Save after changing any settings.
Start the service.