TrueNAS CORETrueNAS CORE Nightly Development Documentation
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General Options

General Options

From EmailThe user account Email address for the From email address. You must configure the user account Email in Accounts > Users first.
From NameThe friendly name to show in front of the sending email address. Example: Storage System

Send Mail Method

SMTPShows SMTP configuration options.
GMail OAuthShows GMail authentication options.

Send Mail Method


System Email SMTP Options

Outgoing Mail ServerHostname or IP address of SMTP server used for sending email.
Mail Server PortSMTP port number. Typically 25/465 (secure SMTP), or 587 (submission).
SecurityChoose an encryption type. Choices are Plain (No Encryption), SSL (Implicit TLS), or TLS (STARTTLS).
SMTP AuthenticationSet when the SMTP server uses authentication credentials. Shows additional credentials options.

GMail OAuth


LOG IN TO GMAILLogin to Gmail using OAuth.