TrueNAS CORETrueNAS CORE Nightly Development Documentation
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Configuring the System Email

An automatic script sends a nightly email to the administrator (root) account containing important information such as issues with the health of the disks, or other system functions. Alerts sent are based on the default options set on the Alerts Settings screen. TrueNAS emails alert events to the email set up for the root user account.

Configure the Root Email Address

Go to Accounts > Users, click next to the root user, then click Edit. Enter a remote email address for the system administrator that regularly monitors the system in Email, then click SAVE.

Configuring user email addresses follows the same process.

Configure the System Email

Go to System > Email and enter a From Name for system emails.

Next, select a Send Mail Method and fill out the remaining fields (SMTP) or log in (GMail OAuth).

Click SEND TEST MAIL to verify the configured email settings are working. If the test email fails, double-check that the root user Email field is correctly configured.